Clark Gillian

Path of Dhamma

Chapter 2.


N° 2: Endurance
२. अप्रमादवर्गः द्वितीयः



Paying attention and enduring is the path of immortality: losing your attention is the path of death. People who pay attention to what they do and stay with it never die, people who do not guard their attention and continue without thinking are already as good as dead whilst living.

अप्रमादोऽमृतपदं प्रमादो मृत्योः पदम् ।

अप्रमत्ता न म्रियन्ते ये प्रमत्ता यथा मृताः॥ १॥


Some people are already so sharp and clear that they realize this. Those who are wise and awake and conscious feel how blissful it is to be on the so-called path of the Greats.

एतं विशेषतो ज्ञात्वाऽप्रमादे पण्डिता ।

अप्रमादे प्रमोदन्त आर्याणां गोचरे रताः ॥ २॥


Now Nirvana is waiting for the end of that path, the ultimate calm, peace and endless joy. All thanks to keeping the thoughts high with constant effort and deep, deep understanding.

ते ध्यायिनः साततिका नित्त्यं दृढपराक्रमाः ।

स्पृशन्ति धीरा निर्वाणं योगक्षेमं अनुत्तरम् ॥ ३॥


Someone with confidence, who does not forget what their higher purpose is, who keeps the work pure and who carefully looks at all possible details of the work, who therefore takes perfect care of themselves and supports everything on by themselves, and who always remains attentive and aware, such a person makes glorious progress.

उत्थानवतः स्मृतिमतः शुचिकर्मणो निशम्यकारिणः ।

संयतस्य च धर्मजीवनोऽप्रमत्तस्य यशोभिवर्द्धते ॥ ४॥


Paying attention to your thoughts, important; having confidence, important; being self-sufficient, important; being self-sufficient, important; all this creates an island that can never flood.

उत्थानेनाऽप्रमादेन संयमेन दमेन च ।

द्वीपं कुर्वन्ति मेधावी यं ओघो नाभिकिरति ॥ ५॥


Some people care too little and don't want to know who or what they are harming so they can get on with how they do things; but people who are aware of their thoughts are awake and conscious, their most precious treasure.      

प्रमादमनुयुञ्जन्ति बाला दुर्मेधसो जना ।

अपमादं च मेधावी धनं श्रेष्ठमिव रक्षति ॥ ६॥


Do not allow yourself to be possessed by laziness in your thoughts; do not surrender yourself to easy pleasures and lust. The goal for people who are always paying attention and understanding everything deeply is to be completely and unbreakably free and happy.      

मा प्रमादमनुयुञ्जीत मा कामरतिसंस्तवम् ।

अप्रमत्तो हि ध्यायन् प्राप्नोति विपुलं सुखम् ॥ ७॥


Taking your thoughts back into your own hands by turning off the autopilot of mindless temptations feels just like climbing the stairs beyond the clouds to a palace and looking down from its highest terrace at the clouds of sadness. Or like a wise man from ancient times who lives on his own in the mountains and overlooks the villages in the valley.       

प्रमादमप्रमादेन यदा नुदति पण्डितः ।

प्रज्ञाप्रासादमारुह्य अशोकः शोकिनीं प्रजाग् ।

पर्वतस्थ इव भूमिस्थान् धीरो बलान् अवेक्षते ॥ ८॥


It's like being awake while people are still asleep and it feels like you're riding a fast horse and passing everyone by.

अप्रमत्तः प्रमत्तेषु सुप्तेषु बहुजागरः ।

अबलाश्वमिव शीघ्राश्वो हित्त्वा याति सुमेधाः ॥ ९॥


Indra, by the way, became the great one among the gods, paying attention to their thoughts and guarding their awareness. It is for this reason that the gods praise everyone who stays in awareness. At the same time, they despise whoever goes on and on without thinking.  

अप्रमादेन मघवा देवानां श्रेष्ठतां गतः ।

अप्रमादं प्रशंसन्ति प्रमादो गर्हितः सदा ॥ १०॥


The monk who is happy to guard their thoughts and who refrains from doing unconscious things, forges a path like fire because it burns all obstacles, no matter if they are big or small.

अप्रमादरतो भिक्षुः प्रमादे भयदर्शी वा ।

सायोजनं अणुं स्थूलं दहन्नग्निरिव गच्छति ॥ ११॥


The monk who is happy to guard their thoughts and who refrains from doing unconscious things, will always end up tasting the sweet taste of victory, ever closer to NIRVANA.

अप्रमादरतो भिक्षुः प्रमादे भयदर्शी वा ।

अभव्यः परिहाणाय निर्वाणस्यैव अन्तिके ॥ १२॥


N°1: In oneness there can be no other

१. यमकवर्गः प्रथमः    

N° 2: Endurance   

२. अप्रमादवर्गः द्वितीयः 


N°3: The mind

३. चित्तवर्गस्तृतीयः   

N°4: The flowers

४. पुष्पवर्गश्चतुर्त्थः   


N°5: The Fool

५. बालवर्गः पञ्चमः   


N°6: The Sage

६. पण्डितवर्गः षष्ठः   

N°7: Freedom

७. अर्हद्वर्गः सप्तमः 


N°8: Even better

८. सहस्रवर्गो अष्टमः 


N°9: Good and bad

९. पापवर्गः नवमः 


N°10: Life

१०. दण्डवर्गः दशमः 


N°11: Beyond

११. जरावर्ग एकादशः   


N°12: Self-sufficiency

१२. आत्मवर्गः द्वादशः    

N°13: Stand up! Look.

१३. लोकवर्गः त्रयोदशः    

N°14: The Buddha

१४. बुद्धवर्गः चतुर्दशः    

N°15: Joy

१५. सुखवर्गः पञ्चदशः    

N°16: Satisfaction

१६. प्रियवर्गः षोडशः    

N°17: Anger

१७. क्रोधवर्गः सप्तदशः    

N°18: Cloudy

१८. मलवर्गोष्टादशः    

N°19: Rooted in Dhamma

१९. धर्मष्ठवर्गः एकोनविंशः    

N°20: The path

२०. मार्गवर्गः विंशः    

N°21: Wise Words

२१. प्रकीर्णकवर्गः एकविंशः    

N°22: Downward

२२. निरयवर्गो द्वाविंशः    

N°23: The Elephant

२३. नागवर्गः त्रयोविंशः    

N°24: Thirst

२४. तृष्णावर्गः चतुर्विंशः    

N°25: The Bhikshu

२५. भिक्षुवर्गः पञ्चविंशः   

N°26: The Brahmin

२६. ब्राह्मणवर्गः षड्विंशः