Clark Gillian

Path of Dhamma

Chapter 15.


N°15: Joy
१५. सुखवर्गः पञ्चदशः


What we are going to do is live freely and happily, in love between people who hate. Among people who hate, what we are going to do is live in love.

सुसुखं वत जीवामो वैरिष्ववैरिणः ।

वैरिषु मनुष्येषु विहरामोऽवैरिणः ॥ १॥


What we are going to do is live freely and happily, healthy among people who are sick. Among people who are sick, what we are going to do is live in health.

सुसुखं वत जीवाम आतुरेषु अनातुराः ।

आतुरेषु मनुष्येषु विहरामोऽनातुराः ॥ २॥


What we are going to do is live freely and happily, in peace between people who are struggling with things. Among people who are struggling with things, what we are going to do is live in peace.

सुसुखं वत जीवाम उत्सुकेषु अनुत्सुकाः ।

उत्सुकेषु मनुष्येषु विहराम अनुत्सुकाः ॥ ३॥


What we are going to do is live freely and happily, even if we have nothing and we own nothing. In all joy, what we are going to do is to live as if we shine and sparkle with pure light!

सुसुखं वत जीवामो येषां नो नाऽस्ति किञ्चन ।

प्रीतिभक्ष्या भविष्यामः देवा आभास्वरा यथा ॥ ४॥


Victory brings hatred, because the defeated man is unhappy. Someone who ignores victory and defeat finds joy.

जयो वैरं प्रसूते दुःखं शेते पराजितः ।

उपशान्तः सुखं शेने हित्त्वा जयपराजयौ ॥ ५॥


There is no greater fire than lust. There is no greater evil than hatred. There is no greater pain than disharmony. There is no greater joy than NIRVANA.

नाऽस्ति रागसमोऽग्निः नाऽस्ति द्वेषसमः कलिः ।

नासति स्कन्धसदृशानि दुःखाः नाऽस्ति शान्तिपरं सुखम् ॥ ६॥


The hunger of passion is the greatest disease. Disharmony is the greatest sorrow. Once you know this well, you realize how great the joy of NIRVANA is.

जिघत्सा परमो रोगः संस्कारः परमं दुःखम् ।

एतद् ज्ञात्वा यथाभूतं निर्वाणं परमं सुखम् ॥ ७॥


Health is the most precious asset. To be satisfied, the greatest treasure. Trust is the best friend. NIRVANA is the supreme joy.

आरोग्यं परमो लाभः सन्तुष्टिः परमं धनम् ।

विश्वासः परमा ज्ञातिः निर्वाणं परमं सुखम् । ८॥


Someone who knows the solitude of silence and feels joy in quiet calmness, remains untouched by fears and bad deeds and feels only the joy of the DHAMMA.           

प्रविवेकरसं पीत्वा रसं उपशमस्य च ।

निर्दरो भवति निष्पापो धर्म प्रीतिरसं पिबन् ॥ ९॥


It brings enormous joy to see good and noble people, to work with them, that makes a person happy. If anyone were able to never see fools, they would be happy forever!

साधु दर्शनमार्याणां सन्निवासः सदा सुखः ।

अदर्शनेन बालानां नित्यमेव सुखी स्यात् ॥ १०॥


They who live with fools have a very long road ahead of them full of sorrow; for being with a fool is as painful as being with an enemy; but the joy of being with a sage feels like a reunion with your loved ones.

बालसंगतचारी हि दीर्घमधानं शोचति ।

दुःखो बालैः संवासोऽमित्रेणैव सर्वदा ।

धीरश्च सुखसंवासो ज्ञातीनामिव समागमः ॥ ११॥


If you find someone who is steadfast, sees the inner light, is learned, patient and dedicated, a noble personality – follow this good and wonderful person just as the moon follows the path of the stars.

तस्माद्धि धीरं च प्राज्ञं च बहुश्रुतं च धुर्यशीलं व्रतवन्तमार्यम्।

तं तादृशं सत्पुरुषं सुमेधसं भजेत नक्षत्रपथमिव चन्दमाः ॥ १२॥


N°1: In oneness there can be no other

१. यमकवर्गः प्रथमः    

N° 2: Endurance   

२. अप्रमादवर्गः द्वितीयः 


N°3: The mind

३. चित्तवर्गस्तृतीयः   

N°4: The flowers

४. पुष्पवर्गश्चतुर्त्थः   


N°5: The Fool

५. बालवर्गः पञ्चमः   


N°6: The Sage

६. पण्डितवर्गः षष्ठः   

N°7: Freedom

७. अर्हद्वर्गः सप्तमः 


N°8: Even better

८. सहस्रवर्गो अष्टमः 


N°9: Good and bad

९. पापवर्गः नवमः 


N°10: Life

१०. दण्डवर्गः दशमः 


N°11: Beyond

११. जरावर्ग एकादशः   


N°12: Self-sufficiency

१२. आत्मवर्गः द्वादशः    

N°13: Stand up! Look.

१३. लोकवर्गः त्रयोदशः    

N°14: The Buddha

१४. बुद्धवर्गः चतुर्दशः    

N°15: Joy

१५. सुखवर्गः पञ्चदशः    

N°16: Satisfaction

१६. प्रियवर्गः षोडशः    

N°17: Anger

१७. क्रोधवर्गः सप्तदशः    

N°18: Cloudy

१८. मलवर्गोष्टादशः    

N°19: Rooted in Dhamma

१९. धर्मष्ठवर्गः एकोनविंशः    

N°20: The path

२०. मार्गवर्गः विंशः    

N°21: Wise Words

२१. प्रकीर्णकवर्गः एकविंशः    

N°22: Downward

२२. निरयवर्गो द्वाविंशः    

N°23: The Elephant

२३. नागवर्गः त्रयोविंशः    

N°24: Thirst

२४. तृष्णावर्गः चतुर्विंशः    

N°25: The Bhikshu

२५. भिक्षुवर्गः पञ्चविंशः   

N°26: The Brahmin

२६. ब्राह्मणवर्गः षड्विंशः