Clark Gillian

The Enchanted Deer and the Dreams of the Fool


Chapter 28.
He, she, it.

In the heart of the dark forest, where shadows danced beneath an inky sky, the Seer and the Enchanted Deer strolled. Fog swirled around them, heavy with an ancient magic.

"It's been long since I've laid eyes on this place," the Seer murmured, her voice lost in the stillness.

The Enchanted Deer, his gaze distant, replied, "Old magic whispers on the wind, I feel it in the very mist."

The Seer, eyes closed, attuned herself to the whispers of the land. "This is where it happened, isn't it? The veil you called, the elven gate you locked."

The Deer remained silent, his hooves crunching on damp leaves as they walked deeper into the mist, guided by a semi-circle of towering pillars.

Across the moonlit valley, a sight of wonder unfolded. Gigantic stones, intricately carved, formed the majestic silhouette of a deer. The skill and artistry were breathtaking.

"Remember," the Deer spoke, a hint of longing in his voice, "when people revered us, guardians of the forest? They brought gifts, tokens of gratitude for the world we built with nature's bounty."

His breath, a wisp of white, mingled with the fog. "But all I truly desired was to be remembered, us and the forest, not for fleeting offerings, but for our enduring presence."

His gaze swept over the stone carvings below - deer, birds, trees, creatures great and small, stars and sky, earth and humanity - a testament to the interconnected world he protected.

The wind whispered secrets through the petrified sentinels, each stone older than time itself. "Mortals boasted their monuments would outlast their lives, their memories," the Seer intoned, her voice echoing through the desolate valley.

"Yet even these giants grow silent," the Enchanted Deer countered, his voice heavy with millennia of sorrow. "Behold, Seer, a testament to shattered promises. This once sacred ground, now a desolate echo of its former glory."

The Seer turned, her gaze sweeping across the forgotten carvings etched into the mountainside. "Why, then, have you chosen this forsaken place?"

“Because I want you to be here with me,” he said, “when the gate is finally opened.”

The Seer looked at the Enchanted Deer in utter surprise, then closed her eyes.

“I understand,” she said, opening her eyes again.

“This is going to be a spectacle to remember.”


The wind howled like a banshee, whipping around the witch's tower. On the rooftop, the Black Fox sat hunched, his fur bristling in the cold. Beside him, the dwarf huddled close, teeth chattering like wind chimes.

"Hours have passed," the dwarf croaked, his voice trembling. "The fireworks should have started ages ago. Do you think… do you think they… canceled it all?"

The Black Fox flicked his tail, sending a flurry of snowflakes swirling into the air. "Seems that way, little one."

Silence stretched between them, thick with the weight of their unspoken fear. Losing this tower, their haven, their home, was unthinkable. The dwarf shifted closer, seeking solace in the warmth of the fox's fur.

"Do you think she found her parents?" the dwarf whispered, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.

The Black Fox sighed, his breath forming tiny wisps of mist in the frigid air. "I hope so," he said, his voice low and gruff. "Otherwise, handing over this tower is the least of our worries.


A celestial symphony played in the ears of the Princess and the Fool, their souls now woven into one. They soared through the boundless expanse, past wispy clouds of memory, their destination - the imposing gate - drawing closer with each heartbeat. Four guards stood vigilant, their forms dwarfed by the gate's immense size.

The melody, carried on the wind, reached the ears of the guards and the waiting elves: "White, shimmering stars, distant yet bright, fill the sky with your radiant light. Your glowing expanse grants sight, revealing heaven's wondrous might!"

Seven stars flared into brilliance, drawing cheers from the elves. But it was the eighth, growing steadily brighter, that mesmerized them all. It drew closer, its light enveloping them like a warm blanket against the cold void, its brilliance pushing away the shadows of doubt and fear.

"Look!" whispered the Princess, pointing to the thick rays of light cascading around them, like molten gold pouring from the heavens. Awe filled her eyes as she witnessed this celestial spectacle.

“You are ready,” the four guards said to them.

The Star sparkled as she looked on with love, and they sparkled back at her. After a moment, they turned back to the guards, to the lock. And they saw that the keyhole was shaped like them in their completeness.

“Let’s go,” they said to themselves.


A cataclysmic flash ripped through the palace, tearing a jagged wound across the sky with a deafening crackle of lightning. The veil, once impenetrable, fluttered and dissolved, revealing to the world of men a breathtaking panorama.

There lay the elven realm, a tapestry of endless beauty - intricate gnome cottages nestled amongst vibrant gardens, each connected to the very earth itself. The sunken city of the mermaids glimmered beneath the waves, their luminous castles echoing with songs of unimaginable clarity, as captivating as the ocean meeting the shore.

Beyond, a vast valley unfolded, its once-lively towns and villages now shrouded in an eerie silence. Crumbling monuments and pillars stood as silent sentinels, while hanging gardens, overflowing with exotic fruits and vibrant flowers, painted a poignant scene of forgotten beauty. Even salamanders, in a dazzling array of colors, hung suspended on weathered walls, testaments to a lost vibrancy.

The Black Fox, unable to contain its joy, leaped into the air as the dwarf watched in awe as the sky shimmered with a kaleidoscope of colors. Through the shattered veil, countless worlds, once hidden, now lay bare, their wonders merging in a breathtaking spectacle. And across the empire, every cat perched atop a well, their eyes wide with wonder as they witnessed the momentary union of the human and elven realms.

“This is the sign,” said the Cat High Priest to the Cat King. “This is it. It’s predicted! It has come true!”

With his eyes full of admiration for all the nymphs, fairies, and cloud spirits around them, the cat king didn’t even hear what the Cat High Priest said.

Number 235 and his friends who had taken over the castle in the forest looked in amazement at the multicolored sky and all the fairies and elves that suddenly appeared in the trees of their courtyard.

Mother and Father Tanner, too, had gone into their garden, near the well, with all their sons and daughters to admire the sky that had burst into more colors than they had everseen before. They looked up at the dragons, sky spirits, and fairies flying around it.

And as quickly as the flash had appeared, it disappeared.

The gate clanged shut, the veil descended once again, leaving only an unsettling silence in its wake. In the hushed ballroom, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. The Princess and the Fool were gone.